One of the biggest considerations for a seller, deciding to sell their home, is the price.
While one of the biggest challenges for the real estate professionals is real estate lead generation.
What if we tell you that there is a tool that addresses both of these concerns?
Meet the Teranet Home Value Range
Home Value Range solution leverages Teranet’s Automated Valuation Model (AVM) to deliver current market estimates for residential properties across Canada.
The property value is based on advanced mathematical modelling and Teranet’s national property information database.
Real Estate Lead Generation and Marketing
In addition to providing value to your prospects, this tool also has incredible lead generation capabilities. Integrating it into your website and other marketing platforms means that you can capture more information about the prospects who are interested in knowing what their homes are worth.
… and these are warm leads.
Not only does this tool promote higher conversion rates but also drives down your cost of acquiring leads as you are able to convert more leads and have access to the intel you need to be able to nurture them.
In essence, it enables real estate professionals and brokerages to:
l. Generate qualified leads
The fastest and best way to reduce your overall cost of acquisition, as we mentioned previously in this blog, is to capture the contact information of as many prospects, that have contact with your brand, as possible.
You can capture this information by integrating Home Value Range into your online real estate application or company website.
ll. Improve customer acquisition strategies
When it comes to marketing and customer acquisition, your funnel consists of prospects who are researching, prospects who know they want to buy/sell and are evaluating vendors, and prospects who are ready to reach out to a real estate company.
Many of the prospects, who are browsing through websites, are at the research stage. So, this tool enables you to use your marketing dollars most efficiently by engaging these prospects when they get exposed to your brand.
Hence, when they reach the point in the funnel where they are ready to buy/sell they:
- recognize your brand.
- appreciate that you provided them value while they were researching.
- are warm lead opportunities and ultimately, reach out to you for your services.
lll. Capture valuable data
Home Value Range enables you to capture valuable information directly from your prospective customers. The information is not only accurate but also up to date.
This data ensures that your marketing and lead generation campaigns are built on authentic insights.
Today, partly because of COVID-19 and partly because the customer wants convenience – many things have gone digital.
The digital space is where your customer is … that is why it is crucial to focus on the digital aspect of your business, especially when it comes to lead generation.
See how you can garner more insights and improve the experience of your customers by leveraging GeoWarehouse solutions. Learn more by calling 1-866-237-5937 or visiting www.geowarehouse.ca.
How do you help your customers determine the value of their properties? Share with us on social media. GeoWarehouse is on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.