As a real estate sales professional, your time is valuable, which is why when you start working with a new client, you need access to accurate property data as quickly as possible. Luckily, the GeoWarehouse Property Report provides timely data about ownership, sales history and site information all in one place.
Once you have reviewed the report you may notice some red flags that would require you to dig deeper, such as finding people on title who weren’t originally disclosed to you. Other data points that may alert you to take a closer look at a property or a client include:
- Multiple and frequent ownership changes
- Sales values that appear higher than otherwise seen in the neighbourhood
- Transferees who appear to be related to the previous owner or are corporate entities
- The reference to ‘subject to’ in a legal description
- Notification of a potential easement on title
The Property Report offers you peace of mind and confidence to enable to you perform due diligence, which raises your value proposition in providing accurate and timely insights to your clients.
These reports are available in GeoWarehouse and contain proprietary property data from the Province of Ontario Land Registration Information System (POLARIS), which is kept up-to-date and complete.
If you have further questions about how to use Property Reports to reduce risk, please contact us at geowarehouse.training@teranet.ca.
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