In just a few weeks, we will be bidding farewell to 2020.
It’s been a challenging year for almost everyone. However, it was also a year that showed us that we are resilient and have the capability of overcoming even the biggest challenges.
The real estate industry has readily adapted. Real estate professionals have found new, innovative ways of communicating and getting things done.
We are happy that we were able to support our community, every step of the way.
We are committed to providing our stakeholders the information they need to make informed decisions through GeoWarehouse and Teranet Portfolio of Solutions and Services for Real Estate.
Our subscribers also get access to an online store, which is a one-stop-shop for online real estate tools.
Here’s a look at the tools, resources, and solutions that were leveraged by our partners and customers throughout the year:
i) Teranet Market Insights Report
The Teranet Market Insights Report is designed to provide exclusive data about the Canadian real estate market to real estate professionals.
As the COVID-19 situation continued to evolve, we consolidated the latest data and highlighted industry trends associated with key market drivers such as sales registrations.
Access the newest Teranet Monthly Market Insights Report here. Teranet Market Insights Report
To receive the latest reports, you can sign-up here and never miss any important updates.
ii) Home Value Range
Agencies and brokerages also leveraged our recently launched solution – Home Value Range. Even during the uncertain months, the solution enabled real estate professionals to generate qualified leads, enhance digital strategies, and develop insights-backed customer acquisition strategies.
As it can easily be integrated into any online real estate application or company website, the tool helped real estate professionals deliver value to their current and prospective customers.
iii) Webinars, training sessions, and video tutorials
As the situation continued to evolve, in the early months of 2020, we organized webinars to provide market insights and information to our community.
Some of the topics of discussion included how to search for comparable sales, how to access statutory documents to identify potential equity, and how to undertake due diligence activities.
We also added more resources to our video library of tutorials. To learn more about how you can get more out of your GeoWarehouse tools and reports, access our video library here.
iv) HoodQ Reports
We were also able to support Canadian real estate professionals in enhancing their homebuyers’ experiences by developing customized, hyper-local, address-specific reports.
These reports are a low-cost way to provide your clients all the information they need about a specific neighbourhood. These hand-curated reports consolidate data from 2,500 data sources.
We thank our subscribers, partners, and friends for their support in 2020. As we get ready to welcome the new year, we renew our commitment to work alongside you and help you identify new opportunities even in the most challenging of times.
Learn more about our solutions for 2021 and beyond. Call 1-866-237-5937 or visit www.geowarehouse.ca.
Which GeoWarehouse solutions have you leveraged in 2020? Share your inputs with us on social media. GeoWarehouse is on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn.