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Condo Status CertificateParcel Register

Three Things You May Not Know You Can Get Online

By May 6, 2019No Comments

With major advances in technology, we’ve seen leaps and bounds of growth in the capacity of real estate tools – which is good news for anyone working in the industry!

Gone are the days of lengthy, paper-heavy trails (at least for some services). There are three tools in particular that you may not know you can access online…

  1. Property Surveys

Most buyers require a property survey – even if there is title insurance. Whether you are a real estate sales professional, developer, investor, surveyor, or appraiser, the ability to access property surveys can greatly expedite a closing.

Before asking the owner to have a survey performed, consider checking if one is available for purchase online. This is faster and often more affordable than the homeowner or buyer paying to have one performed.

  1. Condo Certificates

Some legal and real estate professionals still obtain condo certificates from the condo corporation by paying a fee and waiting 10 days. This process can be expedited online.

For instance, with the recent integration of GeoWarehouse and ShiftSuite’s Conduit property management system, status certificates can be ordered and fulfilled online from participating property management companies using your credit card. Now you can obtain condo status certificates without the hassle of couriers, car trips, and certified cheques.

  1. Lien Checks

While you can gain a lot of information through property data reports, if you want to dig deeper, enhanced searches in the GeoWarehouse store include Parcel Registers*, which reveal liens. This is particularly important because you can see if there is a registered encumbrance on a property you’re dealing with well ahead of time.

If you do find a lien and want to see the actual lien registration, you can also get the Instrument Image*.

Before the advancement of real estate technology, these processes (and more) would have been done offline and they would have taken up valuable time and money. Now they are quicker than ever and allow you to make more empowered decisions.

Access all of these tools in the GeoWarehouse Store. Become a subscriber today by calling 1-866-237-5937 or visiting

* An official product of the Ontario government pursuant to provincial land registration statutes.